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  • Estonia is the most advanced digital society in the world, where 99% of state services are online.
  • It is the first country to introduce a cross-border digital identity – e-Residency.
  • Estonians are known for their pragmatic approach to tech and a culture to innovate.


  • Estonia is a small country with an agile mindset.
  • We are used to finding solutions and making decisions.
  • Our workforce is highly qualified.


  • Estonia is known for low red-tape and result-driven mindset.
  • We are global leaders in economic activity.
  • It is a perfect testbed to try out new ideas.

Competitive and transparent

  • Estonia is a politically stable country with low government debt and highly developed cyber-security.
  • Doing business in Estonia is predictable, with low levels of corruption and paperless processes.

Simple and favorable tax system

  • Corporate income tax on reinvested profits 0%;
  • Corporate income tax on distributed profits 14-20%;
  • Personal income tax 20%;
  • Value added tax (VAT) 22%;
  • Property tax 0%; Land tax 0.1-2.5%.