Investment grant for small and medium-sized Ida-Viru enterprises

Name of the support measure: | Investment grant for small and medium-sized Ida-Viru enterprises |
Purpose of the support: | — to contribute to the growth competitiveness and added value of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ida-Viru County that create new jobs or maintain existing ones; The grant can be used to invest in product development, as well as in the development of processes related to the company’s product or service. |
Target area for the support: | Ida-Viru county |
Who is the main target group of the grant? | The support may be applied for by a company entered in the Estonian Business Register that is not excluded on the basis of subsection 1 (5) or whose field of activity or the field of activity of the project for which support is requested does not correspond to the following sections set out in Annex 16 “Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK)” to Regulation No 59 of the Minister of Justice of 28 December 2005 “Procedure for Submission of Documents to Court”: 1) section A – agriculture, forestry and fishing; 2) section G – wholesale and retail trade, excluding maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; 3) division 920 of section R – gambling and betting activities; 4) section K – financial and insurance activities; 5) division 62 of section J – computer programming, consultancy and related activities; 6) division 69 of section M – legal and accounting activities; 7) division 70 of section M – activities of head offices and management consultancy activities; 8) division 73 of section M – advertising and market research; 9) division 77 of section N – rental and leasing activities; 10) division 782 of section N – temporary employment agency activities. |
Project duration: | The eligibility period of a project starts from the date of submission of the application to the implementing body or from the date indicated in the decision granting the application and ends on the date specified in the decision granting the application, but no later than on 31 August 2026. The maximum duration of the eligibility period of a project is 36 months. |
Budget of the support measure: | 15,000,000 euros |
Minimum grant: | min. 50,000 euros |
Maximum grant: | max. 500,000 euros |
Grant % of total eligible project costs: | — for micro and small enterprises 45%, — for medium enterprises 35%, — 80% support when using the remainder of the de minimis aid |
Supported activities in the project: | The following activities, which are necessary for the implementation of the activities or for the preparation of a project set out in subsection (2), are supported: 1) the purchase of machinery and equipment and the intangible assets needed for their use; 1¹) the purchase of an immovable and the construction of buildings and structures; 2) experimental development; 3) applying for the initial protection of intellectual property created as a result of the supported activity specified in clause 2); 4) development of processes related to the enterprise’s product or service; 5) connection to the network or modification of an existing connection in relation to the activity specified in clause 1 and 1¹; 6) drafting a ‘do no significant harm’ principle assessment; 7) preparation of an assessment of ensuring climate proofing; 8) consulting, carrying out feasibility studies and comparing technologies as preparatory activities for investment; 9) design. |
Additional Information: | on the EAS web page |
Grant regulation (in English): | on the EAS web page (.pdf) |
Questions about grants? Call us!